Thursday 30 January 2014

Thanks Power Outage!

I know that most people would not be thankful for a power outage. Especially when it is is winter and outside is -33 with the wind chill. But Monday morning at around 10:30 the power went out for about 3 hours. That meant no internet, no phone (we only use our cordless phones, we do have a normal one but I had no idea where it was. I have since been informed that it is in the upstairs hall closet, top shelf, to the left, just in case you ever need to know) in general no distractions.

It was nice just hanging out with two of my kids, the third being at school. We played board games, we read stories, we had naps. It was great! No Winx Club for us that day! (If you don't already know what Winx Club is, you are probably better off for it.)

It also got me thinking about how blessed we are to live in this time. I don't have to heat up water over a wood stove. When I want hot water, I get it almost instantaneously out of my tap. When I want to bake something I do not have to load a stove with wood and keep checking to make sure it is maintaining the temperature needed. I can just push some buttons and bam! my oven is preheating to what I need it to be. We can have light by just flicking a switch, instead of making sure we are fully stocked with candles and lamps and wicks and oil.

I also feel blessed that I wasn't at a total loss of what to do when the power was off. I wasn't scurrying in a panic to get to some place that had a phone, or internet, or TV. It was just a relatively normal day. I was just wearing more layers as the temperature in the house started to drop a bit. I didn't feel the need to be socially connected with the entire world all the time. It is nice to turn inward every once in awhile.  Have a check in with yourself. Disconnect and reconnect with those who are of most importance to you, face to face.

The power outage made me grateful for the emergency preparations I do have, and helped me make note of the emergency preparations I still need to make. What a huge blessing that is!

The simple life can be many things, but one thing it is for all is the ability to prioritize what is important and the ability to slow down and smell the roses or, in our case, make some paper ones as it is freezing outside.

Keep warm. I'll see you in February!

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