Thursday 29 May 2014

Reshaping the Year's Goals

So my goals this year were to to have savings for three months of costs and a years worth of food. Man,  it has been tougher to do that then I thought. Repairs have come up that have eaten into the savings that we had saved. Thank goodness we had them. I do not want to use a line of credit again! And as for the food. Either I really suck at being thrifty or food prices have gone up. I budgeted what I thought was a reasonable amount of money to buy the food we need for the month and have some left over to add to the food storage, but it has been slow going. The past two months I don't think I have added anything! It is definitely time to renew my efforts.

But, I think I have discovered new goals that I want to work on as well. That is the great thing about life. We always get a chance to reevaluate where we are and what we want to do differently. While building up savings and food storage is still important to me and I want to do them, I have discovered that my focus is really not on that. My focus has been on clearing out the junk. Both physical and mental junk.

So my new goal for the rest of 2014 is to take control of my house and my head. We are going to go through all the boxes that we still have in the garage (from two years ago!) and get rid of the junk. Organize what we want to keep and get rid of all that doesn't fit. I am excited about this. My husband a bit less so. I am going crazy having to constantly look through boxes for things, to trip over boxes, having junk that we don't need all around us. It affects my mood, my energy levels, and thus it affects the kind of mother and wife that I am, and not in a positive way.

Do you find that? When you are overly cluttered, or not feeling as organized as you would like to be that familial relationships take the toll?

I know this will be a challenge for me but I am ready for it. I am not a naturally neat person, and I hate getting rid of groovy things, but if it is not adding to our happiness, then it really is not serving any purpose and so, has to go. I think that is the question you always have to ask yourself while you are going through your stuff. "Is this adding to my happiness or not". If something is adding to your stress, it has to go. Your health and your relationships are more important than a present that your aunt gave you that you aren't using. I think it might have been Hellen Buttigieg who said this, I can't remember, but whoever said "people give you things to bring you happiness. If it is not get rid of it. They would rather you be happy then hold on to it." (Totally paraphrasing but that is the gist. I am sure they said it way more elegantly then I did.)

The next thing that I want to simplify this year is my electronic time. There are so many distractions in the world. Facebook, pinterest, blogs, news sites YouTube. In today's world you almost feel this urgency that if I don't hear about this or see this on YouTube or whatever, that you have missed out on something great. In reality you can get on just fine without always having to be up on every last thing. I'm not saying you shouldn't be engaged in society, I'm just saying if you miss on little thing, it won't be the end of the world.

There are sometimes when I feel like I have been busy, but then I see what I have accomplished and it isn't much. It is because all my time is really being wasted by computer stuff. And not even useful computer stuff. I want to build a repertoire of healthy recipes. During nap time do I look them up? No, I have been checking email, going on facebook, doing everything but what I really want to do. Then I complain about it. Seriously! what is up with that?! Well it is time to pull in the reigns and evaluate how I'm spending my time. I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to do that. I don't like the idea of rigid schedules but maybe that is what I will need to do. Anyone have tips of how to make the best use of your time?

With distractions, cheap goods and a pull from the world around you it is challenging to simplify. I know, I'm living it now. But I also know that I won't regret going through this simplifying process. I know that it will bring greater harmony to myself and my family. We will be able to spend more quality time together than being worried about the stress of the stuff. I know de-plugging will us make our home a more productive place to be and that personal goals will be able to be better attained. Our focus will be able to be more narrow. It won't be easy but I am ready for the challenge.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Doing the Ordinary but being Extraordinary

Lately I have been thinking about the endless things we do that seem relatively ordinary. As a stay at home mom, I think I live a pretty ordinary life. I have floors to sweep and clothes to wash and meals to make and rooms to clean and kids to get to activities and books to read and a husband to love  and children to love and on and on and on it can go.

I'm not out there saving the dolphins, or going up into space to run experiments. I am just doing day to day things. Yet, from these day to day things extraordinary things can happen.

Through my simple actions and choices lives can be changed. By being at home I am able to easily make meals from scratch. I don't have to think a head as much and make sure I remember to turn the crock pot on or set the oven for a particular time or leave instructions for the kids to do when they get home. I am at home to do the prep work etc. Because I can do this, we have relatively nutritious meals with real ingredients. Although we all have our days when Kraft Dinner and hot dogs are our only sane option. But, those days are few and far between.

Because I sweep the floor My kids have a clean place to play. My toddler will not be eating anything she shouldn't. And our feet will remain particle free.

By doing laundry and mending and all the other fun, yet mundane things we get to do with clothes it means my family looks clean and neat and have clothes that are weather appropriate.

When we do these ordinary things we are helping to nourish and strengthen those in our spheres of influence. Through this we are able to strengthen and nourish ourselves and those who we help can help us in return. Family life can be hectic at times but it can also be a great time to develop love and appreciation for others. To recognize and value the difference in others. To laugh together. To feel content. What an extraordinary thing it is to cultivate such feelings. And that cultivation is done through ordinary things.

We also influence things that are beyond our homes. We can help reduce pollution by doing simple things. Make and use green cleaners. Do things to become energy efficient. Reduce plastic waste by using reusable containers. Try to pack litter less lunches. Make things from scratch to reduce packaging. Consume less. Be happy with what you have and don't buy other things. We can help our waterways by using rain barrels or other water collecting devices. Have our downspouts come out in our lawns and not our driveways. Seemingly simple things yet they have an extraordinary effect.

All around us we see people who seem to have such glamourous lives. Their kids always have the cutest outfits, they look great themselves, they seem to be able to do it all, and we look at ourselves and think, "why bother trying, I can never be like them?" The thing is we are all different. We all have strengths and weaknesses. It is those differences that make it so awesome when we learn and help one another. We don't have x-ray glasses. We can't see into these people's privates thoughts and know how they really think and feel. We can only focus on ourselves and what makes us content.

What we can do is decide how we want to live our lives. What things are important to us. And we need to recognize that what seems seemingly ordinary is really extraordinary. Your life is extraordinary.

Thursday 15 May 2014

My City is Pretty Great

Sometimes when I am thinking about what to write I can become pretty stumped. I know I should be writing about my life, my favourite things, what is going on but, sometimes my life just seems pretty boring and same old-same old.

This week was one of those weeks. I am continuing trying to go through my junk, I am trying to read some of my books for my other blog. I sort of feel like I'm not really living to the fullest. I'm just going through the motions.

So, while I have been contemplating and going through the motions I had time to reflect on some pretty great things that are available to me and my family through this great city I live in.

The first thing I think is great about our city is the recreational activities I can take my children too. The city has a pool which has tons of swimming lessons and aquafit programs. Growing up in rural Ontario I did not have access to a pool. In the summer I could go to the lake, but I like swimming all year round. It was a treat when we would go and visit my sisters living in the city and we would always go swimming. Having a pool to go to all year round is awesome. My family loves going swimming. Even my youngest, who the first time we went to the pool screamed the whole time. She is now a lot happier. :)

One of the best programs, and really best kept secrets, that the city offers at the pool is a program called kinderfun and swim. It is two hours long. The first hour and a half is free play with lots of different toys. They do crafts, have story time and snack. The last half hour they are in the pool with qualified lifeguards having lots of fun. This program is amazing and reasonably priced. My two oldest have participated and they had so much fun. They also gained confidence in the water because they were allowed just to splash around and have fun. The put their heads under the water all by themselves, which a years worth of swimming lessons couldn't convince them to do. The staff running it are so much fun and the kids are always sad when it is over. So, if you live in Waterloo and have a child from 3-5, check out this program. It is so good.

The other thing I love about my city is our library. We have three branches and each branch offers neat programs for all ages. And the best part about it is it's free! The branch I go to is the smallest one. It is really a hole in the wall. It is attached to a community centre which allows them to have some really fun kids programs. They have knitting groups and movie making groups, story time, music time and so much more. The nice thing about going to the smaller branch is that you get to be familiar with the staff and the kids are excited to go and tell them about their favourite books, as well as their lives. It is always nice to go someplace where you know people, they are friendly, and they are genuinely happy that you are there. No matter where you live, check out your library. It is awesome. And, they will be more than happy to set up programs to suit your interests.

There are other community groups that are fantastic and offer so much. Currently our oldest is a Spark, which is a branch of the Girl Guide association. It is so nice for kids to have positive adult role models, besides their parents. I find, I could tell my kids something, but until they see it for themselves, or another adult agrees with me, they don't quite take my word for it. There have been many times when my daughter says to me in a voice of awe "wow Mom, you were right". I'm like, duh. But I just smile and say, "Yep!"

There are groups for just about anyone and any interest. If your own city doesn't have a group set up for your interests, start one. It could be online and then evolve into something face to face and great. If you have an idea for something fabulous, chances are someone else would think it is fabulous too. Take a risk and put it out there. That is how wonderful things come to be.

I am looking forward to the summer months when there will be so many outdoor activities. I love the buskers festival and jazz festival and I'm looking forward to the movies in the park.

Waterloo is pretty great. I'm sure your city is or can be pretty great too! If you are in Canada, have a great long weekend!

Thursday 8 May 2014

mmmm... Pizza

this is chicken pesto pizza. yummers!
I love pizza. It is so yummy. It is so versatile. It is so customizable. It can be so different depending on how it is made.

We have our favourite pizza shops. We are lucky to have one just down the street from us who makes really good pizza. Nothing is worse than pizza that has such a hard crust that it cuts the roof of your mouth. Or has no flavour. The bad thing with getting pizza no matter whether from a pizza shop or frozen at your store is that is has added grease, added preservatives and who knows what else in it. These days I have been making my own pizza and man is it yummy. Yes, my 5 year old keeps wanting pizza from the store. But, I'm sure she will turn it around. I mean, it's homemade, using my own two hands. Now if that doesn't deserve some rounds of applause, I don't know what will.

Here is the recipe for my homemade whole wheat pizza dough.

about 2-1/2 cups whole wheat flour (If you want a softer dough you can change it for all-purpose flour or a mixture of the two. I usually just use whole wheat flour.)
1 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp sugar
2-1/4 tsp yeast
3 tbsp olive oil
1 cup very warm water

In a large bowl stir 1 cup of the flour, the sea salt, sugar and yeast. Then add the olive oil and the water. Stir together. Add enough flour so the mixture isn't sticking to your hands and knead the dough. Add the flour a little at a time. You can always add more if needed but you can't take it out again. You don't want an over floured dough. I knead it right in the bowl. Knead until the dough is springy and then let it rest for 30 minutes.

Roll out the dough onto your cookie sheet. Bake in a preheated oven of 425 for 10 minutes and then decorate. Put back in the oven until the cheese is nice and gooey. And voila homemade pizza.

You can use a pizza stone if you would like, but I prefer to use a cookie sheet. I don't care if my pizza is round and would rather not go through the hassle of trying to make beautifully circular pizza.

If you are using all-purpose flour you may need a bit more. I find when I am using 100% whole wheat flour I don't need to use as much of it.

I hope you enjoy making some homemade pizza this week! What are your favourite pizza toppings?

Thursday 1 May 2014

Being the Best We Can Be

On Tuesday I went to a shower for a young woman who is getting married this weekend. During the shower we were all to write down our marriage advice for the bride to be. That caused me to reflect on what being in a partnership means. What advice would I have for those already in, or those just entering, a committed relationship. It was really hard for me to figure out what to write on the paper. There are so many things that go into a committed relationship that it is hard to pick out just one that is the best. So many are multi-faceted.

There is a song that is in the children's song book for my church that I love. The last verse goes like this:

I love you, and you love me.
We reach together for the best we can be.
I love you, and you love me.
And that's the way it is supposed to be.

Every time I sing that or hear those lyrics I am always struck by the wisdom and simplicity of it. When we love each other we are committing ourselves to help each other be the best people we can be. Yes, there is a lot to that, but essentially that is what it all boils down to.

We are all imperfect people. I think I am probably the most imperfect person I know. My flaws smack me in the face everyday. (Dang, that sleep deprived temper!) But when you have a husband, wife, partner, daughter, son, friend whom you love and they love you back, you strive to be the best person you can for them, and in turn in a loving way (no nagging, though it is hard) strive to build them up so they are able to be the best person they can be. Are you perfect at doing that everyday? No. Are you going to say somethings that your probably shouldn't? Yeppers. But, there is always the next minute, hour, day, month, year to change and be better.

Becoming your best self takes time. It's like building a house. You can't just say, "I'm going to build a house", throw some sticks around and voila you are ready to move in your furniture. It takes a strong foundation and the proper tools and techniques to make sure your house is strong, firm and secure. We need a strong foundation too. We need a strong foundation of morals so we know what is right and what is wrong. Once you establish that foundation of what it means to you to be your best person, then you can move along and figure out what tools and techniques are needed. These could be getting a great support group of friends, it could be going to church or another community group that shares your same values, it could be reading books that give you ideas and help build you up, it could be getting a mentor, someone to be able to talk things through. We are so lucky to be living at a time where if we can't find those things immediately around us, we can join internet groups and forums and find like minded people. It is really awesome.

Now, back to the partnership. So we are reaching to be our best selves. But being in a partnership also means valuing and honouring our differences. My husband and I are two different people. He actually likes to watch baseball. I do not. I love to read books, he likes to read facebook. Does that mean that we are doomed to fail in our relationship? Nope, only if we let it. Partnerships are not about finding two people who are exactly the same. If we all brought the same strengths and weaknesses to the table there really wouldn't be much use to being in a partnership. Can differences be frustrating? Of course, but they can also be a great benefit. By reaching together for the best we can be we are able to use our different sets of skills and points of view to help each other along.

Things can get bumpy. When those things happen, stay humble, try not to say or do things you will regret and remember that both you and your partner are working together to be the best people you can be. It's hard at times, but it is worth it.