Thursday 26 June 2014

Strawberry Jam

This past Saturday I had the most productive Saturday ever. It was amazing how things just seemed to work out that my family and I were able to accomplish what we set out do do. We went to the farmers market, took things to donate at the secondhand store and even got free pizza for lunch! I capped the day off by making three batches of strawberry jam. I did it once the kids were in bed. It was a bit of a late night, but it is much easier to do canning when they are not underfoot.

fresh Ontario strawberries getting ready to become jam

I made jam for the first time last year. It was so nice to have jars ready as gifts, and we didn't have to buy any jam. I had made a years supply! It was so nice in the middle of our cold winter to open up a new jar of jam and get a faint whiff of June. It was so yummy and sweet.
one out of many freshly made jars of strawberry jam
The nice thing about jam is that it is fairly easy to make, yet when you give it so someone they are always impressed. All you have to do is buy the box of pectin and follow the recipe. If you follow it exactly, your jam should work out. I love it when my jam bubbles and gels. I then like using my canning tongs to put my jars in the big canner and then taking them out again. There is no more satisfying sound then the little pop of you lids forming a vacuum seal. Music to my ears.

I think this year I might try my hand at making relish. My mom has the best yellow relish recipe. I usually steal a jar or two of it from her cupboards when we go to visit. I think it is time to stop my thievery and make my own.

While jam and relish may be simple things to make, I get so much pleasure in knowing that I made this for my family and friends. When you put work into something and it helps others, you can't help but feel good. I love seeing my jars lined up and I think to myself wow, look what I accomplished today. Creating, whether it is preserves, or knitted dishclothes, or bread, or a tidy room, makes you feel great. It is nice to create and look on your works and feel a sense of happiness and accomplishment.

What are you going to create today, this week, this month, this year? Are there any canning foods that you enjoy making?

Thursday 19 June 2014

Talent Auction

It is amazing the different talents people have. Each person is so unique with their abilities. My sister can play the song "The Rose" on the piano, right hand doing the chords, the melody being played by her nose. "The Rose" with her nose, that's pretty amazing if I do say so myself.

When we think of talents often we think of things that we have created. Dishcloths that we knit, aprons we sew, paintings we paint, chairs we build and so much more. These talents are great and amazing, but, they are not the only ones. Some people have a talent of just being able to relax and stay calm. Some people have the talent at being able to clean up messes that kids make (I'm thinking bodily ones but don't want to go into too much detail, you know what I mean). Some people are talented at discovering the community in which they live and all the cool niche things to do. Others are good at smelling out good deals. These are talents that people don't often think about.

Last week the ladies at my church had a talent auction. It had to be something that people could take home that night so it made us think outside the box. While a lot of items were things that we created, there were some that were outside the box. Some one brought a relaxation kit, with tips/things that could be used to relax. Another person brought their favourite bodywash that helped their skin feel great. Some one brought books that they liked to read. Some of the more traditional talents were knitted dishcloths, homemade jam, caramel-chocolate covered apples, paintings, plants from people's garden, homemade bread, a homemade library bag. It was neat to see what people were interested in.

This is what I brought
Talent auctions are a great way to share your talent without seeming too boastful. When we have talents we should be using them to help others. This auction did that. Some people make great bread, some don't, the talent auction gave people a chance to figure out who was good at a talent they wanted help with and at a later date perhaps ask that person for help in developing that talent.

Getting ready for the auction I was able to start to develop new talents of my own. I made the label using an online photo editor . I had done a little bit with the editor before, mostly putting on the watermark on my latest blog photos, but I am nowhere near a pro. But, it was fun figuring it out and I look forward to playing around with it more. I was also able to give people my blog url. Once again, I am nowhere near a pro blogger, but it is something I am enjoying doing, finding my voice and finding out what I want to say.

We did not use money to buy with. At the beginning of the event each person was given a questionnaire to fill out. The questionnaire had yes or no questions and points associated with them. After you answered all the questions you tallied up your points and that is what you had to work with. You could do something similar for your own auction or you could always make it a fundraising event for a charity if you wanted to use real money.

It doesn't have to be a church group who does this. You could get your friends or neighbours together and have a talent auction. It is exciting to get a chance to get others better and see what they like doing and are proud of. It is fun to share and it is fun to be inspired.

What talents would you take to a talent auction? What new talents are you beginning to develop?

Friday 13 June 2014

A Difference of Opinions Does Not a Stupid Person Make

Yesterday was election day in Ontario. Despite only have 51% voter turn out, it was still higher than previous elections. We went from having a minority Liberal government to a majority, much to everyone's surprise. (The polls leading up to election day showed a very tight race.)

Today I went onto facebook. I had a couple of messages to deal with, but I inevitably started reading the news feed. There were some posts about the election, many voicing their sadness that the conservatives did not win or at least do better. (I seem to have a lot of conservative friends on facebook, or maybe they were the only ones who wanted/needed to post something.)

There was one post and resulting comments that really made me pause to reflect and stirred me into writing this post. (Don't worry, I am not making this a political blog.) The post basically said, and I paraphrase, that they were shocked that the Progressive Conservative party did not win, they thought they should move from Ontario because of it, and then, in later comments, more than one person said or agreed that whoever did not vote conservative were stupid, and that basically every person in the province was stupid because they didn't vote the way these particular people wanted.

Now, irregardless on how I feel about who won or lost the election, I take great insult to the way that this frustration was being taken out. We live in a world where people are different. They have different educations, ways of thinking, life experiences, talents and skills, etc. I love to read, I do not consider those who don't read to be stupid. I love Ikea, do I tell someone who doesn't that they are stupid? I think we all should recycle and compost. Do I tell someone they are stupid if they don't do those things right now?

By calling those who disagree with you or do something that you do not agree with stupid who are ultimately shutting down any exchange of ideas. Great ideas and good policy does not come from one person shutting down everyone else. It comes from a collaboration of many people. All bring to the table their collective knowledge and life history. The ideas bounce back and forth and get refined and polished. If those around the table were calling others names or calling them stupid, the dialogue would shut down fairly quickly, and not much positive change would happen.

When someone disagrees with me, I try, not always successfully, to understand where they are coming from and why they might think like that. Once that understanding is there we can discuss our views, why they are different and then come to a consensus, a way we can work together and move forward being the best we can be.

In the media and news we only see question period when our politicians are yelling at each other and acting divisive. I think that makes us feel we need to be divisive when talking about politics or elections. Behind the scenes, the politicians talk with each other, they work on committees together, and while the governing party has the ultimate say, they do hear what the other parties have to say too.

We need to listen to others and not just say that they are stupid. That is too simplistic a reaction for a complex issue such as voting. Usually a lot of thought and inner turmoil goes into whom we decide to vote for. It is not just a simple thing. When I cast my ballot I was still battling back and forth between who I would vote for. I stood with my pencil poised for about twenty seconds. If after this inner debate I voted for someone who others thought I shouldn't, should I be labeled stupid for that? I don't think so. It was a hard decision. I did not make it lightly. That is not so say that we can't be shocked or gobsmacked when things don't go our way or when people do things differently. Sometimes we have to acknowledge to ourself, "wow, that's not what I would do or act" or say "I wonder why they would have done that, that's kind of weird." But then you move on from it, you don't think that person is stupid, just different. You can either adopt their practice or not.

As for the other comment of saying they were going to move to a different province, that seems a bit over-the-top. Politicians come and go. Political climates change. In Ontario we have had conservative governments, liberal governments, and more socialist governments. and that was only in the past twenty years. Should we move every time the political climate changes? There is no guarantee that a province that has been conservative for a while won't all of the sudden change. Look at the last federal elections. Yes, the Conservatives won and formed the government, but I don't think any one saw the NDP becoming the official opposition. That was a shocker. So, moving really isn't going to do much. If you have a legitimate concern about the government, call your local representative, no matter what party they belong to. They are there to work for you. Voice your concerns. Be an advocate. Sitting back and calling people stupid and saying you will move, when let's face it, in reality that is most likely not going to happen (you need to make sure you have employment, someone needs to buy your house, you need to pack), will not bring about change, the change you think that this province/country needs/deserves.

Sorry for this rant, but I just could not believe the juvenile thinking that these people were expressing. Their lack of showing respect to others was astounding. It is fine to be upset and voice your frustration and concern, but do not blankly label people as one thing. Do not shutdown an opportunity for dialogue. And do not make idle, over-the-top threats/remarks. If you want to make Ontario a great place to live, demonstrate it through your actions and your words. No one wants to feel belittled or that their thoughts are silly. You capture more flies with honey than vinegar. Remember that when you are trying to persuade others that your way of thinking might be the best option. Here's hoping for more open dialogue opportunities in the future.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Mushroom Fajitas. Yumyum!

As I plan out my menus I try to have meals where meat isn't the main item, or is not the biggest portion. Don't get me wrong, when I find out that they have discovered a way we can be healthy and get all our nutrients by being a carnivore, I am there. (To me nothing is better than a steak that still has a whisper of a moo.) But, that hasn't happened yet, and so I am all for being an omnivore to the max. Not only is being minimal with meat healthy for our bodies, it is healthy for our wallets too.

The other day I wanted fajitas but chicken and beef were both not on sale, but mushrooms were. I decided that I would use them instead of chicken. And my kids didn't even notice that much of a difference. The child who will try anything ate three helpings. The child who says everything I make is disgusting, well she said the same thing with these. So that means, to me at least, this is a winning recipe.

Oh, the mushrooms. Those fungi of the forest... or the manure pile... they are pretty awesome. In this recipe I used plain old white mushrooms. In the past I have used portebello. Portebello mushrooms have a nice meaty texture. You could use them as a hamburger substitute even. For this recipe you can really use whatever mushrooms you want.

So here it is.

2 tbsp canola oil
200g of mushrooms (I bought a big package that was like 450g and I think I used about half. Basically use as many as you want)
1 medium sized onion
1 pepper (I usually use red or orange or yellow peppers. I don't like the taste of green peppers when they are cooked and the colour of the other peppers give a nice pop.)
2/3 cup water
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1/8 tsp garlic powder (or one clove fresh)

Put canola oil in a large skillet and put on medium heat. Slice up the mushrooms, onion, and pepper and then add to mixture. Cook until onions are done and the peppers are starting to get soft, but are still a bit crunchy. Add seasonings and water. Stir and simmer until water is basically evaporated.

Serve on a tortilla wrap (This one is store bought. I have making my own on my bucket list.) top with sour cream, avacado, cheese, salsa, tomatoes, lettuce, whatever you want really. Enjoy!

As a variation, this time I added some shredded carrot to it. It was really good. I think I might do it from now on!

Thursday 5 June 2014

I Love This Time of Year

If I had to pick anytime of year that I absolutely loved more than any other, this would be it. It is warm but not sweltering. It is not humid, and even when it is it is bearable. The leaves are out in full and the flowers just explode out.

In our backyard there is a beautiful poppy patch. When I first moved in I knew there were poppies, but I didn't realize how much they can spread! Last week I saw all the poppy buds, and then a couple of days ago there were two flowers. That made me happy. I love poppies. Today I looked out from my dining room and this is what I saw!

Isn't that super exciting and beautiful. I love the bright orangy red colour. A house down the street has pink poppies in the front yard. I am tempted to go and get some seeds from their plants to add variety.

Also spread throughout our backyard and some in the front are these beautiful irises. They aren't the typical irises with the broad leaves. I love how fine their leaves are. Last year almost ripped them out because I thought they were day lilies. (We have so many daylilies in our yard and they are so tightly bunched, I need to thin them.) I am super glad I didn't.

I forgot to take pictures last year of what the gardens look like and what plants come in different seasons. This year I am going to be diligent so that way I know what I want to keep and what needs to go for next year. That's the thing with inheriting someone else's garden. You don't know what they have put in for different seasons, what are weeds and what aren't. This will be our second summer fully moved in to our house, so this is the year to keep track and figure it out for next year.

In the back corner of our yard we have what we have termed, The Meadow. It is a beautiful sea of forget-me-nots. My middle child loves to pick flowers and she was so excited to see all these beautiful  flowers free for the picking. My husband doesn't have the heart to mow them down yet as the kids are having such fun. I hope our neighbours don't mind as they do spread.

can you see the kids hiding in the flowers?
Next year at this time I will have my vegetable garden planted. We weren't in a position this year to get it done. We are concentrating mostly on getting the inside de-cluttered and so the garden needs to wait. There are only so many hours in the day and so much energy to be had. But, I am excited about establishing a nice veggie garden. I know my kids will be excited too. At least we have an awesome farmers market just up the street. I will be going there soon to get strawberries to make strawberry jam. Last year I made enough jam to last us the whole year, and give away some as gifts. Nothing is better then strawberry jam, especially freshly made. Yummers!

This time of the year is awesome. There are so many beautiful things to see and look forward to. What do you love most about this season?