Friday 2 January 2015

Welcome 2015

Here we are. 2015. I feel like we just started 2014. The year has gone by so quickly. Last year I had started with a list of goals I had for 2014. I failed in them utterly. I think I get distracted by life. There are so many things that pop up that I loose my focus and put things on the back burner. So I'm going to try to keep it simple on things I know can stay a focus no matter what life throws at us.

But, as life is ever a thing in progress there are some things that I want to be better at. One is organization. This year I am going to make a concerted effort to get rid of the junk. Last year I sort of did that, but over the past little bit I let it slide. I am definitely going to be more picky about what comes in and more liberal with what goes out.

Another thing that I want to be better at is my budget. The past few months have felt like a whirlwind and I just stopped keeping track of the money. Pretty silly, but it's true. So this year I am pulling myself up by the boot straps and going to start with the money again. We have some financial goals that we would like to see happen this year so I need to make sure I do my part to make our dollars stretch. (There will be probably more posts on this in the future). Our goal is to pay an extra $5000 onto our mortgage and have $5000 in our savings. I know those are modest sums, but, they will still need our focus and some lifestyle adjustments. I am excited by this.

And the last thing that I am going to focus on is getting fit. By this I don't mean becoming a stick. But I want to be active. I want to run around and not be exhausted by the end of it. I want more energy for my kids and I just want my body to be healthier. I started exercising in earnest in September so now I need to adjust the eating part of it and I should be good to go.

Do you have goal in your life that you are fine tuning in the New Year? Are you starting something brand new in your life? Do you have any tips for success? Leave a comment I would love to know how you keep focused.

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