Friday 9 January 2015

5 Ways To Do What You Want Without Going Broke

How has your first full week of 2015 been? Are you still excited about the upcoming year? While, I am still excited and feeling optimistic, I am starting to come down from the euphoria of the the new year and settling in to the work part of it. It is great to dream and scheme, heck I do that all the time, but, to actually see those dreams become a reality, that takes work. Work! Ah man!!! The more in dream world you remain the more frustrated you will be when you come out if it and see that nothing has changed in your reality.

This year one of the key things on my list of must do better at, is the budget. I usually am good at setting out a budget and tracking my expenses. I even can quasi follow my budget if I do those two things. But as said in the last post, For the last third of the year I just didn't. I didn't even look a the numbers, it wasn't on my radar. Luckily we didn't do too much damage, but I know we can do better. So while this will definitely be a more austere year, pinching pennies, tightening our belts and purse strings, it doesn't mean that we can't have fun or success in some of our other goals. If you are too glum and sacrificing, you aren't going to want to stick to anything.

So here are 5 ways you can do what you want without going broke.


1. Get movies from the library.

It is pretty thrilling when you get to see the latest block buster in theatres. Sitting in the stadium seating is amazing and the sound quality is awesome. But it costs an insane amount of money. Over the holidays we took our family to the movies. We rarely go and it had been a while since we had gone. My husband and I were shocked at the end of it when we saw how much we spent. We went to a matinee which is already cheaper, we shared drinks popcorn and nachos (this was our healthy lunch for the day) and the grand total was $55. WHAT?!?!? And that was with paying admission for just four as we don't have to pay for Miss P. yet. If we hadn't gone during lunchtime hours I probably wouldn't have ordered the nachos, but still, it is crazy. No wonder we don't go very often.

At the library you can get out movies for free. The loan period is usually a week, unless you have a new release then it is four days (at least this is how it is at my library). They get all the major movies, plus some fun artsy ones and foreign films, if that is more your thing. While this means waiting until the movie gets released on DVD and BluRay, you can still see have a movie night, without the cost. Just think of how much popcorn you could have then!

There are also the RedBox movie rentals. These came to Canada a couple years ago. They are at most grocery stores. You can usually get a code for a free movie night. Without the code the cost to rent the movie is a dollar per day. While that is a pretty good deal, it is still a dollar a day, so you would want to return it pretty soon.

For me, I would rather get it for a week or four days for free, then have to remember to return the movie the next day. But you are guaranteed the new release while at the library the number of copies of the movie can be limited. There are ups and downs to both systems, but the bottom line is both these options help your bottom line.

2. Get Awesome Work Outs Through YouTube

This year I really want to get fit. I am already on my way to getting there, but, I still have a long way to go. As our budget is tight a gym membership is not going to be happening. Although, my friend volunteers at the daycare of her local gym in exchange for use of the equipment, so that might be an option for you.

Since going to the gym isn't going to work and it is winter time, so I don't really want to be going for long walks or runs outside, YouTube is a great option. Last May I found this awesome series on YouTube. It is called Bikini Body Mommy. You can view the website here. I love these workouts. Currently she has two complete 90 day challenges, her original and her 2.0. I have done the 2.0 and I loved it. She is huffing and puffing along with you. You know she knows exactly what you are going through as she has gone through it and is going through it herself. I haven't done any of her meal plans or anything like that but her workouts are awesome and you don't need any fancy equipment or lots of time. All it takes is 20 minutes and you feel like you have worked for hours. It is the perfect workout to fit in during naptime, as that is essential for me. She is currently releasing her 3.0 challenge. The first day was January 5th. I have been doing them and they are awesome too! You can check it out here.

There are other workout videos on YouTube. There are  learn to dance videos, zumba videos etc. Find something that works for you and have fun! Your body and wallet will thank you.

3. Get Your Books From the Library

While this seems like a no brainer, it is sometimes overlooked. I can't remember the last time I bought a book. Seriously, I am looking back and looking back and nope. I have no idea. It is also convenient because most libraries have a hold feature, so you put a hold on an item and then the people who work at the library walk around finding your items instead of you. It is a real time saver, and I normally have a runaway toddler on my hands so, it is a sanity saver too!

Now you might be saying, but Meredith, I only read ebooks now, hardcopies are so yesterday. Well, the library can help you there too. While many ebooks are not as expensive as the real thing, they still cost money. At the library you can borrow ebooks. You are given a limited amount of time for them to be on your device/computer, usually three weeks, but they are free to borrow, always. You can also download audio books as well. Super awesome and super cheap.

Since the library is funded through the city, you are already paying for its service through taxes or your rent, so you might as well take full advantage of what they have to offer you. (Check out their programs too. At my local library they are teaching soldering 101. I think I might get my husband to check that out.)

4. Create Restaurant Style Meals at Home

I like eating out as much as the next person. Knowing that I don't have to cook anything is bliss and worth almost any price. But eating out can also be pricey. In comes the genius of many people on the internet. While you still need to cook the food, you can now usually find recipes for your favourite restaurant meals online that will cost a fraction of the price and, in most cases, taste even better. To make it less drudgery on you have it be a family cooking night. Everyone helps out and is part of it. That way you at least can relax a little.

Some are recipes might even be good to keep in the freezer, so that way you can have a restaurant style meal that needs no prep for those nights when you really don't want to cook. So google and pinterest away and see what restaurant inspired meal you will have this week!

5. Use Your Points

***This is only good if you pay off your credit card every month and are still responsible in your spending, otherwise not worth it***

I use my credit card to buy basically everything. I rarely carry around cash, except for my monthly allowance money that I can blow on whatever I want, but when it's gone it is gone. My particular credit card allows me to collect points to spend at a nationwide grocery chain. I can either use my points to buy groceries, which can help cut down on the grocery bill, or I can use my points to get gift cards that the grocery store sells. These are gift cards to restaurants, home improvement stores, clothing stores, gas stations, etc. This is how I bought most of the materials for the Christmas presents I made. I also was able to treat us to a meal out New Year's Eve by using my points to buy a restaurant gift card.

I usually try to hoard my points until we are wanting to go out to eat, or if we know there are birthdays coming up so we can do that for as little money as possible.

I know there are other credit card reward programs out there that can help you with air travel or pays back a certain percentage of purchases. So, if you like using your credit card to make your purchases you might as well get a card that does some work for you. Do some research and get on that fits your style and make sure it is a free card. There is no point in paying for a card just to get points or premiums when there are free cards that let you do the same thing. And make sure that if you do collect points with your card, you use them.

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