Friday 30 January 2015

Those Were the Days!

This week was the week of sickness in our family. First Miss V. got sick, then two days later Miss P. got sick (all over me!), and then two days later I succumbed and then Miss G. got it! Luckily my husband stayed healthy so he could play nurse for us.

While I was laying on the couch with my bowl beside me and a cup of water-downed ginger ale I was thinking of how easy being sick used to be. Before children. And, how I longed for that time to be back. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but I love them even more when I am not sick.

See, back in the glory days of university, if I was sick, I could turn up the heater in my room, lie in my cozy bed and watch movies all day. My boyfriend, now husband, would come by and drop off some sort of get better thing, and either stay or leave, whatever I wanted. Oh the bliss!

Now, that type of thing is a luxury that is not always afforded. There is no, "Oh, poor Mom is sick, let's be nice to her." It is more, "where's my lunch? did my project get packed, I can't find clean underwear." And then, the movies aren't some fun rom-com like You've Got Mail. It is Frozen, or Barbie in Mermaid Tale 2. While these maybe high calibre movies in the genre of children's film, when I am sick they make me feel sicker.

The other thing that is horrible is when I am lying down and Miss P. is lying on top of me. Granted, this time she was getting over sickness too and was more cuddly than normal, but I honestly think she thought that her cuddles were magic and going to cure me. If only. When I am sick I just want to lie down and be left in peace. I can't sleep when people are touching me at the best of times let alone when I am sick. For the past few days the only way that Miss P. would stay asleep was if her hand was touching my hair and she was rubbing it between her fingers. Seriously! I would try to pawn her off on my husband, but she would have none of that. It's almost like she was trying to be my personal guard dog. Sheesh.

When I'm sick I want to be left alone. I don't want to leave my place of comfort except to go to the bathroom. I want meals brought to me without me having to think about what they are. I just don't want to worry about anything. I want to have a sign that says, "Off sick, don't bug me." Is that really too much to ask?

Now, I know I shouldn't complain. I have a loving family. I have a loving husband who took two days off work to nurse his ailing family. I have lots to be grateful for. I recognize that. But, I still wish for those blissful sick days of yore. Where I was only responsible for myself and didn't have to worry about anyone else's happiness. Where I could moan and look miserable as much as I wanted. Oh, those were the days.

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