Friday 15 May 2015

Wrenches Can Be Useful Tools

from wikipedia

I don't know about you but things in my life rarely go as planned. Things come up that can really throw a wrench in things. While at times this can be really frustrating, in the end, you end up with a sizable tool collection. These are tools that help you learn and grow and allow you to roll with challenges instead of comletly seizing up.

In my home lately we seemed to have never ending sickness. Just as one kid would be getting better the next one would get it and so on like dominoes. When I thought I would have a day to tackle a project one kid would end up at home from school. Now, I love my kids and enjoy their presence but, and there is a but, they can make accomplishing things a little difficult at times. So, when all of the sudden they were home needing my attention a few wrenches were thrown into the mix.

Now these wrenches don't have to be just our kids. As with other wrenches things that mess up plans can come in all shapes and sizes. They can be an unexpected repair, a medical emergency, running out of a key ingredient, bad weather, traffic delays and so on. All can be wrenches, but, all can make things better than expected.

Example. Last Saturday Miss G. was at camp and had to be picked up by 2 p.m. My husband wanted to help out at the ball field in the morning and I wanted to go to the regional museum as it was the last day of an exhibit that I wanted to see. I knew my going to the museum was going to be a bit of a squeeze, but I figured it would be okay. Well that morning, while my husband was at the ball diamond I got a call that we needed to pick up Miss G. because her tummy was bothering her. 20 minutes after that my husband was home with the van, I had packed a picnic lunch and off we went to go get Miss G. Since she didn't feel too bad we were all able to go to the museum and enjoy a lovely and leisurely time there. It was much nicer than if I was there and was constantly checking the clock to make sure we weren't going to be late. So, what could have been a wrench in our day (getting Miss G. early from camp) turned into a blessing in disguise. 

Because of these small wrenches recently I have gained valuable tools. I have learned how paper towel is made and what makes it absorbent. I've learned how to make paint for kids to use. I've learned to be a bit more accommodating yet I am still learning that one. I definitely need to figure out how to be more flexible. So, while in the midst of the chaos a wrench can create, try to think of it as an opportunity. When you can do that the wrench truly becomes a useful tool.

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