Saturday 27 September 2014

The Importance of Great Partners

Last night, as I was putting my little one to bed, I could hear through the door my husband reading a bedtime story to our older two. In that moment I felt true happiness. It was so nice that I knew as I was taking care and snuggling with our youngest, my oldest were also feeling love and closeness. My husband and I were truly working as a team in that moment in time and that is a great feeling.

As much as we like to be able to do things independently and show off our independence, there are times when it is important that we have a partner. There are times when in just makes sense to ask and to have help and support. It in nowise makes you any less of an independent super hero. Instead it allows you to share your burdens. It helps lighten your load and your partners. It helps us to feel happiness.

Partnerships can take form in many different ways. It can be a spouse, both of you working together to better your lives, run a household and raise a family in shared values and ideals. It can be a neighbour, perhaps helping each other with household tasks, gardening etc. It could even be business partners. People and companies who work together for a common great goal.

No matter what partnerships you are in they can be great. There are times when they can be infuriating. When you are bringing two sets of people together, each with different life experiences and views, there will be differences of opinions, differences in how they do things, and differences in the priorities of what to get done. This, if you let it, can cause anger, frustration, and hurt feelings to enter into things. This will not allow the partnership to work effectively or let trust occur. It is important that when having a discussion from different sides you deal with facts, not personal putdowns. It can be hard not to take things personally when something is important to you. If both sides are trying to work together for the greater good, know it is not personal, it is just trying to get the best possible outcome for what you are working towards.

In our familial partnerships, especially those with a spouse, who would have been raised differently, it important to set aside these differences and come up with a common standard in which you can operate. It means taking the best of your collective experiences and and using that as your platform for how you do things in your home. It is sharing what is important to each of them and making sure those important things are done. For example. I don't care if the bed is made in the morning. My husband does. So we need to come up with what we both can live with. It is about give and take, it is about deciding what at the end of the day is make or break deals. It is about looking out for the other's happiness. If both of you are looking to make the other happy then both of your needs should be met.

Working in partnerships can cause you to put yourself out there, which isn't always easy for you to do but the rewards and benefits are worth it. So rededicate yourself to your partnerships, which ever forms they come in and commit to making new ones, ones that will help better you, your family and your community.

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