Thursday 26 June 2014

Strawberry Jam

This past Saturday I had the most productive Saturday ever. It was amazing how things just seemed to work out that my family and I were able to accomplish what we set out do do. We went to the farmers market, took things to donate at the secondhand store and even got free pizza for lunch! I capped the day off by making three batches of strawberry jam. I did it once the kids were in bed. It was a bit of a late night, but it is much easier to do canning when they are not underfoot.

fresh Ontario strawberries getting ready to become jam

I made jam for the first time last year. It was so nice to have jars ready as gifts, and we didn't have to buy any jam. I had made a years supply! It was so nice in the middle of our cold winter to open up a new jar of jam and get a faint whiff of June. It was so yummy and sweet.
one out of many freshly made jars of strawberry jam
The nice thing about jam is that it is fairly easy to make, yet when you give it so someone they are always impressed. All you have to do is buy the box of pectin and follow the recipe. If you follow it exactly, your jam should work out. I love it when my jam bubbles and gels. I then like using my canning tongs to put my jars in the big canner and then taking them out again. There is no more satisfying sound then the little pop of you lids forming a vacuum seal. Music to my ears.

I think this year I might try my hand at making relish. My mom has the best yellow relish recipe. I usually steal a jar or two of it from her cupboards when we go to visit. I think it is time to stop my thievery and make my own.

While jam and relish may be simple things to make, I get so much pleasure in knowing that I made this for my family and friends. When you put work into something and it helps others, you can't help but feel good. I love seeing my jars lined up and I think to myself wow, look what I accomplished today. Creating, whether it is preserves, or knitted dishclothes, or bread, or a tidy room, makes you feel great. It is nice to create and look on your works and feel a sense of happiness and accomplishment.

What are you going to create today, this week, this month, this year? Are there any canning foods that you enjoy making?

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