Thursday 15 May 2014

My City is Pretty Great

Sometimes when I am thinking about what to write I can become pretty stumped. I know I should be writing about my life, my favourite things, what is going on but, sometimes my life just seems pretty boring and same old-same old.

This week was one of those weeks. I am continuing trying to go through my junk, I am trying to read some of my books for my other blog. I sort of feel like I'm not really living to the fullest. I'm just going through the motions.

So, while I have been contemplating and going through the motions I had time to reflect on some pretty great things that are available to me and my family through this great city I live in.

The first thing I think is great about our city is the recreational activities I can take my children too. The city has a pool which has tons of swimming lessons and aquafit programs. Growing up in rural Ontario I did not have access to a pool. In the summer I could go to the lake, but I like swimming all year round. It was a treat when we would go and visit my sisters living in the city and we would always go swimming. Having a pool to go to all year round is awesome. My family loves going swimming. Even my youngest, who the first time we went to the pool screamed the whole time. She is now a lot happier. :)

One of the best programs, and really best kept secrets, that the city offers at the pool is a program called kinderfun and swim. It is two hours long. The first hour and a half is free play with lots of different toys. They do crafts, have story time and snack. The last half hour they are in the pool with qualified lifeguards having lots of fun. This program is amazing and reasonably priced. My two oldest have participated and they had so much fun. They also gained confidence in the water because they were allowed just to splash around and have fun. The put their heads under the water all by themselves, which a years worth of swimming lessons couldn't convince them to do. The staff running it are so much fun and the kids are always sad when it is over. So, if you live in Waterloo and have a child from 3-5, check out this program. It is so good.

The other thing I love about my city is our library. We have three branches and each branch offers neat programs for all ages. And the best part about it is it's free! The branch I go to is the smallest one. It is really a hole in the wall. It is attached to a community centre which allows them to have some really fun kids programs. They have knitting groups and movie making groups, story time, music time and so much more. The nice thing about going to the smaller branch is that you get to be familiar with the staff and the kids are excited to go and tell them about their favourite books, as well as their lives. It is always nice to go someplace where you know people, they are friendly, and they are genuinely happy that you are there. No matter where you live, check out your library. It is awesome. And, they will be more than happy to set up programs to suit your interests.

There are other community groups that are fantastic and offer so much. Currently our oldest is a Spark, which is a branch of the Girl Guide association. It is so nice for kids to have positive adult role models, besides their parents. I find, I could tell my kids something, but until they see it for themselves, or another adult agrees with me, they don't quite take my word for it. There have been many times when my daughter says to me in a voice of awe "wow Mom, you were right". I'm like, duh. But I just smile and say, "Yep!"

There are groups for just about anyone and any interest. If your own city doesn't have a group set up for your interests, start one. It could be online and then evolve into something face to face and great. If you have an idea for something fabulous, chances are someone else would think it is fabulous too. Take a risk and put it out there. That is how wonderful things come to be.

I am looking forward to the summer months when there will be so many outdoor activities. I love the buskers festival and jazz festival and I'm looking forward to the movies in the park.

Waterloo is pretty great. I'm sure your city is or can be pretty great too! If you are in Canada, have a great long weekend!

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