Friday 27 May 2016

And the Blessings Keep Coming!

Whether you believe in a higher being or karma or whatever it is amazing the blessings that come into your life when you are trying to better yourself or your situation and when you least expect it.

As you know I am really refocusing my efforts to become more organized in my life. This includes in my financial and household aspects. While being very much in the third trimester has slowed down some of my household efforts of getting organized (though I am okay with where I am) financially I am on the ball. I established my slush fund and it is working. My spreadsheets are working and keeping me on task and within budget. Right now we have a relatively healthy savings account (thank you tax return).

So things are looking up, but we knew we would have some unexpected expenses. Like a new bike for Miss G. The bike we had that was her size we bought for Miss V at a yard sale a couple years ago but it has ceased to work. And though my husband has looked at it and researched possible ways to fix it we just could not get it going. (Though why it is still sitting in our garage I will not know! I think I need to get him on the letting go of junk bandwagon.) So, a new bike was needed. We had gone around to a few yard sales and couldn't find anything. We were thinking we would have to buy new, which considering it would be for 3 kids wouldn't have been the worst thing, but it would have definitely been more expensive.

Here is where the blessing came in. We had decided that last weekend we would go out and buy a bike. It would eat into some of our savings but this was something that we needed. So I went grocery shopping in the morning, my husband went to the park with the kids and then in the afternoon we were going to go find a bike. Well, call it luck or divine intervention a school mom friend of mine happened to be at the playground at the same time as my husband. He happened to ask her if she knew of an economical place to buy kids bikes. And she said, "my shed". She had the exact size of bike we were in need of, and was about to get rid of it herself. She refused payment and we walked away with a great looking bike that is going to last us for a while!

Another thing I had to do was get some more summer clothes for Miss G and Miss P. I had been putting it off because I have so many appointments and by the time I got home I just wanted to relax. Well the same day as the bike miracle this same friend dropped off a huge box plus 4 bags of clothes that were the exact sizes and seasons I was looking for! So the majority of the shopping I was needing to do for the kids was done. There are a few things I still need to supplement but not much.

These two experiences has reaffirmed a few things. One, people are generous. We all want to help each other out. If you let people know what your needs are it gives them an opportunity to help out. Sometimes we feel we need to do everything ourselves or slog through things on our own. But, when we open ourselves to others magical things can happen.

Two, when you are trying to better your situation things work out to help you with that. I call it my righteous desire. When I am working towards a righteous desire things will conspire to help me in that. You may call it something else, but the principle would be the same.

This is not meant to be a braggy post about my families good fortune. It is more one of gratitude. It is one that shows when we are trying to do the right things we get blessings to help us with our goals. It is one to show that when we have a generous spirit generosity is given back. And it is about humility. When we are willing to humble ourselves great things can happen.

Have you ever had a time when you were supremely blessed with exactly what you needed?

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