Friday 4 March 2016

Getting into the Swing of Things

Well, it has been a while. It is crazy how your whole schedule and gumption to do things can get so disrupted and how hard it is to get back into the groove of things.

This past fall has been a bit, not crazy, but inhibiting. I had crazy horrible morning sickness from about October until just before Christmas. Most days I just lay on the couch reading to Miss P and watching kids shows on YouTube. Every time I went to do something productive (not that growing a human being isn't productive) I would stand up, feel nauseous and decide nope, not going to do anything today.

I have been feeling good for quite a while now, but it is amazing how hard it is to get back into the swing of things. My organizing schedule is not there, my will to tidy is not there. Why move when the couch is so inviting. It is hard to change your habits, especially when you are used to sedentary ones.

So, now I am feeling back. Today I organized our hall closet, went through the bathroom drawers and cupboards. I got rid of the expired ointments and medications and have switched things around, so hopefully things will be easier to access and use. I am definitely feel a sense of accomplishment.

Because of my lazy fall, it meant not much got done on the office we are redoing. But, we (and by we I really mean my main squeeze) have finally put up drywall and it has been mudded. We are fixing some other other wall imperfections and once that is all done (hopefully by next week) we will be painting and then putting the floor down. My goal is for the office to be moved in by the end of the month and Miss G moved into her new bedroom.

Because baby #4 is coming in early June, it means there will be more bedroom rearranging in the near future, but at least, for the time being, things will be settled. (And the baby doesn't really need its own room for the first few months anyways).

As for the blog, I will hopefully be back into the swing of things too. I probably won't be blogging every week. But I will try for at least a couple of times a month. I should be able to handle that.

So heres to a busy and productive spring and hopefully some interesting posts.

Thanks for stopping by.

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