Friday 21 November 2014

Meet My Family

I have been blogging now for a little over a year. It has been a great opportunity to reflect on what is important to me and what ideas I want to put out there in the blogosphere. It is also nerve racking. I would classify myself as somewhat of an introvert. I am a fairly private person. So, to put my personal thoughts out there can be exciting but also terrifying. Who knows what other people might think or say. But so far it has been great and I am loving doing it. Now that my youngest is a bona fide toddler it means time for reflection and actually writing down those musing is hard to come by. That might be why there are a few missed weeks, and also why I have now started posting on Fridays. So please bear with me.

And speaking of my youngest, that brings me to another point and really the point of this blog post. I have always referred to my kids as, my oldest, my middle and my youngest. That can be a bit confusing and weird. So today I will introduce you to my kids and the pseudonyms I am going to use for them from now until they are older.

Pseudonyms you might say. Why yes. I don't want to put their actual names on here. It is not because I want to be deceptive or nontransparent. It is more for their protection. Most people in the world are wonderful and friendly and everything you would want in a human being. Then we have the creepizoids. The people who do ridiculously horrendous things. While I am sure most people who read this blog are of the former category, since this is a public blog the creepizoids could get here too. So that is why I alter the pictures of my kids with sunglasses, and why I am not going to use their real name. I think that the sunglasses add a bit of fun instead of just using the regular black bar rectangle.

The reasons for doing this has hit home today. While I was listening to the news this morning I learned about a girl at a local school was almost abducted by a woman on Wednesday. The woman approached this girl, called her by name and said that the girls mother asked this woman to pick the girl up. Since the girl did not recognize the woman she did not go with her and a crisis was luckily averted.

I am not saying that if you put pictures of your kids up without altering them you are a horrible person or inviting misfortune. We all have to be comfortable with what we put up online and on our social media. For me I am more comfortable doing it this way, protecting my kids privacy, until they are old enough to decide if they want to be known in this way or not. You have to do what feels right to you. Also, it helps me maintain some of my own private world.

The names I have chosen are not the most inventive. Some people come up with clever nicknames that do with the child's interests. This however wouldn't be good for me right now as I would have to call my youngest destructor as she loves to destroy everything in sight. Or possibly the messanator. I am hoping these hobbies will be changing soon and would hate to pigeon hole her into that role forever.

So, here is my family.

This is Miss V. Currently she is seven years old. She loves to help her younger sisters, read stories and be lovely.

This is Miss G. Currently she is five years old. She loves anything to do with fashion, she loves to help in the kitchen, and she loves to play in the snow.

This is Miss P. Currently she is one and a half. She loves being a goof, sneaking into her sisters' room (much to the sisters' dismay) and singing "Let it Go".

This is my husband Matt. I don't bother altering his picture or name. I figure he can take the publicity. He is the master of selfies, the master of goofiness and in general one heck of a nerf-herder.And I love him anyways.

So now you know more about the characters that are at play in my life and in the blog. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next week.

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