Friday 1 August 2014

I Love to Ride My Bicycle! I Love to Ride My Bike!!

I must say, this summer, temperature wise, has been awesome. There have only been one or two super humid days and even they didn't seem all that bad. Because the temperatures and humidity have been so nice we have been biking a whole lot more and we are loving it.

Where we live in the city we are lucky because there are so many trails nearby. While teaching road safety is always a good thing to do, I don't completely trust my kids to be looking out for dangers or keeping their bike going straight etc. So roads and sidewalks aren't my first choice. That is why I love the trails, they aren't as busy, there aren't as many entry points to watch out for and it is wide and obstruction free.

The closest trail to our house is really awesome as it goes straight to the library! We have been going to the library at least twice a week because it makes for a great bike ride. So it's like super bonus points for awesome parent of the year! (I need all the bonus points I can get.) My kids are getting exercise and expanding their brains at the library (though the last one is debatable), seems good to me!

I wonder what others on the trail or at the playgrounds we pass think of our caravan of bikes. We have the oldest who zooms along, staying just close enough to be in yelling distance, but not so close that she  has to claim she is with us. Then we have the middle one who troops along, peddling her legs so fast that it is crazy. And then there is me pulling the bike trailer with the little one. (I love my bike trailer, it is a Chariot brand and seriously, the best purchase ever! We have had it for 7 years now and have used it in the summer and winter and it still looks and works great!) I hope that whoever sees us is motivated by us. I hope it helps them know that if I can do it with three crazy kids they can too. I hope it helps motivate them to go on their own adventure with their family, and to the pregnant lady that I have seen on the trails twice, I hope she feels assurance that she won't be a shut-in with kids but that there are lots of possibilities of getting out and having fun. Life, and an active life does not end with kids, you just tweak some of the expectations you put on yourself and then blam! You are back in business.

Biking is a great way to exercise and move your body without lots of strain and stress. You can go as fast or as leisurely as you want and you are still moving faster than walking, and thus, you get a more varied scenic look of the city. For this reason, I love to ride my bike!

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